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Joseph Conrad, escritor de XXI

por jpt, em 06.06.10

Recordo que foi a propósito deste John Gray (Gray's Anatomy. Selected Writings, Allen Lane, 2009) e da sua abordagem ao enorme Conrad - autor anacronicamente destratado por alguma intelligentsia gauchiste, mais lesta na "crítica" do que na "análise" - e ao qual convém sempre voltar, que começou o ma-schamba colectivo

"He can be read as the first great political novelist of the twenty-first century." [...]  [Conrad] precisely because he never accepted that collective action could fundamentally transform the conditions of human life, he anticipated more clearly than any twentieth-century writer the dilemmas that face us today." (385) "A great deal of ink has been spilt attacking Conrad's views of colonialism, but it is safe to say that few, if any, of his twentieth-century critics had the imagination to anticipate that the age of empire could return."


publicado às 17:53

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